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Tiller Extensions

Browse our aluminium and carbon tiller extensions for sail boats. With a range of Universal Joints available.

Allen's Range of Aluminium Tiller Extensions for your boat are lightweight and feature a foam grip to give you the ultimate control. Allen Tiller extensions are available in 7 lengths and 5 anodised colours, Red, Blue, Black, Silver and Graphite. The A4898 (609mm) is now available in Orange and Purple. Carbon Tiller Extensions are also available. Allen also have a range of Tiller Extension Universal Joints. 

Barton Marine Tiller Extensions feature their flexible joint which can easily be removed from the tiller when required.

• Aluminium extensions in 'Spectro' grey anodised material.
• Available with either foam or plain button end options.

Forespar's TFP (Quick-Release) model can be instantly fastened to the tiller by simply depressing the plunger and inserting the detent pin into the special tubular fitting supplied. Again, an easy push on the plunger and the hiking stick is released from the tiller. Stow it or take it home with you. It’s fast, simple and secure. 

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1050mm Aluminium Foam Grip Tiller Extension

$110.30 Inc. GST
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1200mm Aluminium Foam Grip Tiller Extension

$114.65 Inc. GST
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