10 years ago the Yeomans' family purchased DeckHardware. Looking back it has been a rollercoaster of a journey.
We started with the brands Blue Performance, Forespar, LIROS and Man Ship Marine. In the early years Mel worked multiple jobs to fund heading to overseas boat shows to grow the business. And that we did! We now distribute in Australia Allen, Billy Bung, Blue Performance, CC Marine, Forespar, Houdini, JDC, LIROS Rope, Man Ship Marine, Peter G's, PROtect Tapes, Sanol, Schaefer Marine, SpliceRight and Walder.
It hasn't been an easy road especially in this industry over the last 10 years. The landscape has changed significantly.
We would like to thank our Suppliers for their support, without them we would not be here now. The relationships we have had with Bill and Art at Forespar in particular have been invaluable. Their knowledge of not only Forespar but the industry is incredible and has been a huge help. The same can be said for Sven and Uwe at LIROS, without these relationships we would not have learned as much as we have or been able to achieve what we have in these 10 years.
To our Family, Friends and Ambassadors, you are one and the same these days and a HUGE part of DeckHardware - Thank you! We could not have done the boat shows, travel interstate, regatta's etc without your support. Thank you to our friends for understanding too when we have been too busy or unable to afford to do some things due to time of year or just being small family business owners.
So thank you. We hope the updates over the last few months on our social media have given you some insight on who we are as that is what has made us DeckHardware. If you have missed them you will find them on our website.